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"Work is love made visible"

Khalil Gibran

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Windhoek, Namibia

+264 81-3326-157 (WhatsApp)

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I grew up in a hot, dirt road, little town in the middle of Namibian. When the rain finally came the roads flowed like rivers. We played in mud and dirt and listen to American music on my partners' turn table. I dance to ‘I wanna dance with somebody” at a school dance when the rain was beating on a tin roof. South African news taught as about hate, difference, sanctions and Nelson Mandela. I was a teenager when my country became independent, the first generation to grew-up with television. When I left Namibia to go study I phoned home on a pay-phone, we are the last generation that did not grow up with the internet.  I grew into the technological and information era. This amazing time has given me the power to imagine new ways of being. Knowing that life can change and shift so easily has contributed to the vision I hold for myself in this world. This vision is expressed by my art and can be described as dynamic and ever changing. The artistic process interest me more then the art work. I use dance and choreography as a way to make sense of the world.

"The highlight of Happy Beat was undoubtedly the performance by Haymich Olivier who played Garab, the meerkat. Following //Gui, the Bushman, everywhere he went, Haymich interpreted the role effortlessly. Although his movements seemed rather simple, he packed so much feeling and interpretation into them that the attention of the audience was riveted on him throughout. His interpretation, in all its simplicity, was ample proof of why Olivier is regarded as the top choreographer in Namibia at present." 22 Jul 2011 - Story by Staff Reporter The New Era

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